The Cheek Lift

The Cheek Lift

While your facial fat pads are closely packed areas of fat cells, they help give you volume, shape, and definition. Your cheekbones, jawline and chin are all given shape by these pads. With the aging process of the facial structure, your natural fat begins to...
Lip Fillers: There’s Beauty In The Volume

Lip Fillers: There’s Beauty In The Volume

While we’ve never met anyone who wants lips that are shrunken and lifeless, we have, however, met many who want quite the opposite. With customizable lip filler treatments, it’s possible to obtain the perfect results.  With an array of dermal lip...
Radiesse: Skin Power

Radiesse: Skin Power

If you’re considering to take the step in being proactive towards creating skin that’s smoother and firmer, it’s a great idea to consider the dependable treatment of Radiesse. Radiesse is a collagen stimulating filler, which not only lifts skin and...
Dry Skin: Is Hard Water To Blame?

Dry Skin: Is Hard Water To Blame?

Most individuals who deal with irritated, itchy, or dry skin would love to have a remedy. Better yet, they would love to find the culprit. While there may be several causes to consider, the quality of your bathing water is most often not on the radar. If you are...
Excellent Food Source

Excellent Food Source

Salmon, mackerel, and herring top the list of fatty fish that are excellent for healthy skin. These fish provide the rich source of omega-3 fatty acids which are necessary to help keep skin thick, supple, and moisturized. While they are known to reduce inflammation,...